# main.py
def arkhos_handler(request):
return arkhos.json({
"greeting": f"Hello {request.GET.get('name')}!"
$ git add main.py
$ git push arkhos
$ curl "https://my-first-app.arkhosapp.com?name=Wally"
"greeting": "Hello Wally!"
Run your code by URL, API, or set it to run regularly from the Arkhos web UI
Save state with Arkhos Global, a simple and fast key/value store
arkhos.set("last_update", now())
PostgreSQL built in for when you need the power of a database
db_url = arkhos.env("DATABASE_URL")
con = psycopg2.connect(db_url)
Send emails or text messages with zero setup
arkhos.email("[email protected]", "Site status is 200", subject="Status Update")
arkhos.sms("555-555-5555", "Site status is 200")