Hello World in Arkhos

In this guide, we'll make our first Arkhos App with Python. We'll serve a basic HTML page and save POST requests to a database.

Hello World with Arkhos

Create a New Arkhos App

Create your first Arkhos app by going to getarkhos.com/apps and clicking New App. Choose a name for your app.

Add the Git Repo

When you first create an Arkhos app, Arkhos will provide you with a new empty git repository to add your code. (You can also use an existing git repo.)

$ git remote add arkhos [email protected]:my-first-app.git

When you push code, Arkhos will build your code and deploy it for you.

Write, Commit, & Deploy Code

Create a file main.py with the following code

import arkhos

def arkhos_handler(request):
  return arkhos.http('<h1>Hello World!</h1>')

That's it! The entry point to our code is arkhos_handler. This function get's called when our function is triggered. Then we serve an HTML reponse with "Hello World!". Let's add this file to our git repo.

$ git add main.py
$ git commit -m "Hello world commit"

Now let's deploy by running git push.

$ git push arkhos

When you git push, Arkhos will take your latest code, package your dependencies, and deploy it for you.

View it in the Browser

When we created the app, Arkhos automatically set up a URL for us to run our function. You can find this URL under your app's info getarkhos.com/apps/my-first-app.

We can trigger our function simply by going to this URL in a browser. This will run our code, and serve the response.

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